Article 1: Denomination


Under the protection of articles 6 of the Spanish Constitution and 1 of Organic Law 6/2002, of June 27, on Political Parties, the political party called ALIANZA FUTURISTA is established, whose acronym is ALFA, and its equivalent in all the official or co-official languages spoken and recognized in Spain, and whose symbol is a letter F stylized in such a way that it is reminiscent of a slingshot: a tool that is used to throw an object as far as possible, transforming the potential energy accumulated by the rapidly spinning the object into kinetic energy at the moment of releasing it. The symbolism indicates potential energy, dynamism, adaptability to new challenges, decisiveness, modernity, future, confidence, technological acceleration, strength, health and longevity. The image is attached as Annex 1.


The Party's website is Its contact email is .


Article 2: Scope and Purposes


Alianza Futurista is a state-level political party that also carries out its political activity in the European Union, without prejudice to being able to extend its scope of activity to other countries or international organizations.


Alianza Futurista has been established to democratically contribute to the formation of the political will of citizens, as well as to promote their participation in representative political institutions through the presentation and support of candidates in the corresponding elections. Its objectives are those set out in its Declaration of Principles and developed in its Programs. The current Declaration of Principles is attached as Annex 2. The Declaration of Principles will be a dynamic document and under permanent review, as befits a party that not only wants to adapt to the future, but also get involved in its active design.


Article 3: Address


The registered office is located at Plaza de las Cortes, 3, 28014 Madrid. The address may be modified by a simple majority of the General Assembly. The address may also be modified by the Executive Committee when exceptional circumstances arise, in which case an Extraordinary General Assembly must be called within a maximum period of three months, where the address will be decided.




Article 4: members


Individuals of legal age who do not have their ability to act limited or restricted may be members of the Party, as well as foreign citizens when current regulations allow it. The Party may keep its members informed and maintain a record of them. The Party will maintain an member File, which will contain the data on definitive registrations and cancellations.


Article 5: Admission


The status of member or member of the Party is acquired at the request of the interested party by agreement of the Executive Commission, after a meeting between an authorized representative of the Party and the interested party, and other admission requirements.


Admission requirements:


-    Request it by email to .

-    Hold a video conference meeting with an authorized representative of the Party, who will make a report of the meeting.

-    Receive information and enter the “Welcome Program” of the Party. This program will be informative in nature, and will be set out in the Internal Regime Regulations.

-    Know the Declaration of Principles of the Party, and sign its general acceptance in your formal Membership Application, after completing the previous requirements. The applicant will authorize the Party to request a criminal certificate on his person.


The Executive Commission will decide the admission of new members who have met the admission requirements within a period of no more than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the formal Membership Request.


Article 6: Rights of members


Members will have the right:


6.1 - To participate in the activities of the Party and in the governing and representative bodies, to exercise the right to vote, as well as attend the General Assembly of its Local Council or in delegation to Conferences, Conventions or Congresses that are convened, in accordance with the Statutes and any other regulatory development.


6.2 - To be voters and eligible for institutional and organic positions.


6.3 - To participate and be informed in a transparent manner about the decisions of the management and administrative bodies, about the activities to be carried out or carried out and about the economic situation of the organization.


6.4 - To challenge the agreements of the Party bodies that they consider contrary to the Law or the Statutes.


6.5 - To go to the body in charge of defending the rights of the member.


Article 7: Obligations of members


The obligations of the members will be those of:


7.1 - Share the goals of the Party and collaborate to achieve them.


7.2 - Respect the provisions of the Statutes and the laws.


7.3 - Comply with and comply with the democratic and validly adopted agreements by the governing bodies of the Party and by the entire organization.


7.4 - Pay the fees and other contributions that, in accordance with the Statutes, correspond to them.


Article 8: Member withdrawal


The following will result in withdrawal from the Party:


1. By free decision of the member through appropriate written communication. Communication will be made by email to .


2. By sanctioning and firm resolution of the General Assembly.


3. For non-payment of the membership fee without alleging sufficient justification.


Article 9: Disciplinary regime


The member who fails to comply with his duties towards the Party or who, with his public or private conduct, undermines or attacks the principles of the Party or against militants, will be subject to the opening of the corresponding Disciplinary File of which he will be informed, giving him a period of ten (10) calendar days, counting from receipt of the communication, to make allegations and provide supporting documentation . The procedure will be as follows:


9.1 - The disciplinary body, elected by the General Assembly, called the Ethics Council, independent of the Executive Commission, will resolve what is legally appropriate after studying all the documentation provided.


The Ethics Council is also the body in charge of defending and guaranteeing the rights of members. Members can go directly to the Ethics Council if they consider that the party bodies have adopted agreements and decisions contrary to the Statutes, or if they consider their rights as members have been violated, within a period of one (1) month from the alleged violation of the Statutes or their rights as members. In this case, the Ethics Council will issue a report within a maximum period of three (3) months, which will be discussed as an item on the Agenda at the next General Assembly.


9.2 - Infractions may be very serious, serious or minor.


9.2.1 - Those who commit any of the following cases commit a very serious infraction:


a) Attack any of the fundamental rights or duties of the members recognized in the Constitution.


b) Involve in any form of corruption in the exercise of public office.


c) Disobey the instructions or guidelines issued by the governing and representative Bodies of the Party.


d) Make any public demonstration or declaration that incites non-compliance or disqualification of valid and democratic decisions adopted by the Governing and representative Bodies of the Party.


e) Manipulate or attack in any way against the free decision of the Governing Bodies and representation of the Party.


f) Create or induce the creation of other political organizations, as well as participate in them, or practice double militancy in another political party outside the Party.


g) Act in the exercise of public office in a manner contrary to the Principles and Programs of the Party.


h) Reveal to third parties any agreement, resolution or decision of the Party when it has been agreed to keep secret or reserve regarding them.


i) Repeatedly refuse, without justified cause, to participate as intervener or representative, or to actively collaborate in electoral campaigns, when required to do so.


j) Use or take advantage of turncoats from other political parties to establish, maintain or change government majorities in public institutions.


k) Having been sanctioned, in a single Disciplinary File, for two or more serious offenses.


l) Having been sanctioned with a serious offense in the previous two years.


m) Establish, participate or agree with organized groups in anticipation of the internal electoral processes and/or norms of the Party, so that the publicity or notoriety of such actions harms the interests or image of the Party.


n) Having been declared guilty of a crime, provided that there is a report from the Ethics Council favorable to the imposition of an infraction.


9.2.2 - Very serious infractions will be sanctioned in the following terms:


a) Suspension of militancy for a period of time between two and ten years.


b) Loss of the right to hold positions within the Party or on its behalf for the same period of time.


c) Expulsion from the Party.


The sanctions provided for in sections a) and b) above are not mutually exclusive.


9.2.3 - Anyone who commits any of the following cases will commit a serious infraction:


a) Spread by any means news that discredits the Party or is disqualifying of it, its militancy or any of its Government or Representation Bodies.


b) Make public statements and demonstrations on behalf of the Party that politically compromise it, without having the express authorization of the Governing Bodies.


c) Abandoning the functions that the Party had entrusted to him or conspicuously abandoning them during electoral periods.


d) Impersonate or assume positions or functions of any kind or nature that do not correspond to you.


e) Any oral or written public statement in the media, which involves discredit, contempt or disqualification of any member of the Party.


f) Failure to satisfy for six consecutive months the membership fees or the contributions of elected officials set by the corresponding Executive Committee or any other Party Body with jurisdiction to set these.


g) Not attend meetings called by the Party Bodies for six months, except for duly accredited cause, when you have previously been summoned for that purpose and warned of committing a possible infraction.


h) Assume commitments or agreements of a political nature with other political formations or natural or legal persons without having the prior express authorization of the hierarchically higher Bodies of the Party, when it does not constitute a very serious infraction.


i) Having been sanctioned by a final resolution in the previous two years for the commission of two or more minor offenses.


j) Disobey the instructions or guidelines of the Governing and Representative Bodies of the Party when it does not constitute a very serious infraction.


k) Violate the regulations established by law on the election of delegates.


9.2.4 - Serious infractions will be sanctioned in the following terms :


a) Suspension of militancy for a period of time between one and two years.


b) Disqualification from holding positions within the Party or on its behalf for the same period of time.


Both sanctions are not mutually exclusive.


9.2.5 - Those who commit any of the following cases commit a minor infraction:


a) Act negligently in the exercise of the functions entrusted to them by the Party.


b) The repeated non-attendance at the meetings of the Party to which it is called, without cause that justifies it and that does not imply a serious infraction.


c) Deny collaboration in the work for which it is required, without sufficient cause to do so.


d) Alter the order in any Party meeting or ignore the instructions of the person presiding over the same, regarding the behavior that must be maintained and in relation to any other member present at the meeting.


e) Any oral or written statement that discredits or disparages another member, which does not constitute a more serious infraction.


9.2.6 - Minor infractions will be sanctioned in the following terms:


a) Suspension of militancy for a period of time between one month and one year.


b) Disqualification from holding positions within the Party on its behalf for the same period of time.


c) Verbal or written warning.


The sanctions provided for in sections a) and b) above are not mutually exclusive.


9.3 - Graduation of Sanctions and Prescription.


a) The sanctions provided for in the previous articles may be graduated based on the seriousness of the infractions and taking into account the circumstances that arise in each case, which will be assessed by the Ethics Council according to the principle of proportionality.


b) Violations prescribe:


  I) At five years, the very serious ones.

  II) At three years, the serious ones.

  III) At three months, the mild ones.


c) The deadlines will be counted from the time the infraction was committed. The limitation period is interrupted from the moment the appropriate Disciplinary File is initiated against the alleged offender.


9.4 - Restitution of rights of those sanctioned


a) Those members who have been sanctioned, once the sanction period has expired, will automatically regain the fullness of their rights as members.


b) If the sanction had been expulsion, they may request re-entry into the Party, six years after it was imposed.


To do so, they must expressly request it from the Executive Committee, who will forward it, following a report, to the Ethics Council for a subsequent report.


Once this is issued within a period of one month, said Ethics Council will resolve what is appropriate.


If there is a discrepancy between both bodies, the Governing Body will resolve. The period for resolving sanctioning procedures will be six months from the time the member files the internal appeal in cases of minor or serious sanctions, and one year in cases of very serious sanctions.


9.5 - About the Sanctioning Procedure


The opening of the Disciplinary File will be communicated to the member by certified mail sent to their home address, giving them a period of ten days to provide the evidence they consider for their defense. The resolution period will be six months for cases of minor or serious sanctions and one year for very serious sanctions.


The member may appeal against the resolution of the disciplinary file before the body that issued the sanction within a period of one month.


9.6 - The sanctioning agreement must be motivated


The Ethics Council will be the body designated to draft the sanctioning agreement with the corresponding facts and legal bases.


9.7 - Sanctions for cases of corruption


In any case, the precautionary suspension of the membership of members involved in criminal proceedings will be established in respect of whom an order to open an oral trial for a crime related to corruption has been issued, as well as the sanction of expulsion from the party. of those who have been convicted of any of these crimes.




Article 10: Party Organs


The internal structure and functioning of the Party is based on democratic principles. The following are Party organs:


- The General Assembly


- The Executive Commission


Article 11: The General Assembly


11.1 - The General Assembly is the highest body of the Party. It is made up of all of its members, who may act directly or through delegates, with prior delegation of voting. The political line, the work plan and the Statutes of the Party emanate from the General Assembly.


11.2 - Matters submitted to the knowledge and decision of the Assemblies, both Ordinary and Extraordinary, will be approved with half plus one (simple majority) of the members present, except in those cases in which by law or by indication of these Statutes a major vote. Any member may attend the General Assembly, as long as they are up to date with their obligations to the Party. The number of members required for the inclusion of matters on the Agenda will be five percent (5%) of all members. The rules by which the deliberations for contrasting opinions will be governed will be approved by the Executive Committee, where a Questions and Answers session will appear on its Agenda in order to introduce urgent issues that have arisen subsequently, as well as new sections that ten percent (10%) of the members have considered appropriate to include after notifying the Executive Committee twenty-four hours in advance.


11.3 - The Assembly will meet ordinarily once a year, and extraordinarily when convened by the President of the Executive Commission, or so requested in writing, before the President, by a number of members of no less than twenty percent of the total. The Assembly, Ordinary or Extraordinary, will be convened by the President of the Executive Commission, by written communication, through email and through the Party's Internet page, at least one month in advance.


The President's notice may include the first and second calls at once. Both will be called at least half an hour apart. The Assembly will be considered constituted on first call when half plus one of the members or delegates attend.


If the indicated minimum does not appear, it will meet on second call as long as at least a quarter of the members or delegates are present.


11.4 - The President of the Party, who is the President of the Executive Commission, is appointed directly in a secret vote by the General Assembly, and is the person responsible for the Party, and holds the legal representation of the Party.


Article 11 bis: The Board of the General Assembly


11 bis.1 - The General Assembly will be provided with a Bureau, made up of three members. The members of the Assembly Board will be distributed as follows:


a) A representative of the Executive Commission, designated by it. He will assume the functions of Secretary of the Board, coordinating the preparation of the Minutes of the General Assembly.


b) A representative of the Ethics Council, designated by it.


c) A representative of the Assembly Commission, designated by it.


11 bis.2 - The election of the members of the Board will be the first item on the Agenda of the Assembly. The Assembly Commission will preside over the voting, count the votes, and announce the elected candidates.


11 bis.3 - Once accredited, the designated and elected members of the Board will assume the presidency of the General Assembly.


11 bis.4 - The functions of the Board are the following:


a) Establish the quorum of the General Assembly. The Board will count the attendees after assuming their duties, and will confirm the existence of a quorum and the total number of attendees.


b) Moderation of debates. The Board will elect a person in charge of said moderation, who will give and take speaking turns, control speaking times, and call to order.


c) The record of the development of the General Assembly. A Secretary will be elected, who will take note of the votes and agreements made, and will coordinate the recording of all interventions, if they occur, both sound and images.


d) The counting of votes and the communication of results. A member of the Board, to be decided by it, will be in charge of communicating the results of the votes to the General Assembly.


Article 12: Powers of the General Assembly


The General Assembly will have the following powers:


12.1 - Analyze and approve the political line of the Party, the Work Plan of the Executive Commission and the Statutes.


12.2 - Know, approve, reject or modify the reports of the activities submitted by other bodies.


12.3 - Approve or reject the regulations proposed by the Executive Commission.


12.4 - Elect the members of the Executive Commission, replace its members who have left office or dismiss the member or members who have not fulfilled their duties. The procedure for electing members of the Executive Committee is as follows:


a) The election of each of the members of the Executive Commission will be done separately, through free and secret suffrage, by simple majority.


b) All members who have been memberd to the party for at least one year in advance, and who, at the time of presentation, are not suspended from membership or have not lost the right to hold positions within the party, may be candidates. Party or on behalf of it.


c) Candidates to be part of the Executive Commission must be presented to the Assembly Commission, previously designated by the Executive Commission, and which will have a number of members between three and five. The submission period will end fifteen calendar days before the Assembly is held.


d) The presentation of endorsements will not be necessary to run as candidates for one of the positions of the Executive Commission.


e) The Assembly Commission may reject, by means of a reasoned resolution, those candidatures that do not meet the established requirements. The resolution will be notified to the rejected candidates at least ten calendar days before the Assembly is held.


f) In the event that a candidacy has been rejected, the affected candidate may file an appeal with the Assembly Commission within two business days. The Assembly Commission will resolve the appeal within two business days.


12.5 - Agree on the purchase and sale of goods and services as well as accept donations and legacies in accordance with current legislation.


12.6 - Approve the corresponding annual budget.


12.7 - Define the sum of money that the President of the Executive Commission will have at his disposal, as attorney-in-fact.


12.8 - At the proposal of the Executive Committee, approve the amount of membership fees and ordinary or extraordinary fees.


12.9 - The Assembly will dedicate part of its time to listening to presentations by its members or special guests on topics related to its field of interest or any other proposed by the Executive Commission or the members.


Article 13: Powers of the Extraordinary General Assembly


The Extraordinary General Assembly will have the following powers:


13.1 - Fill vacancies caused by absences, resignations or permanent dismissals in the Executive Commission, for the rest of the four-year term, between the Ordinary General Assemblies.


13.2 - Reform the Statutes and Regulations for which the vote of half plus one (simple majority) of the members present is required.


13.3 - Approve extraordinary budgets.


13.4 - Agree on the dissolution of the Party, for which the vote of two thirds of the members present who are in full possession of all their rights and up to date with the payment of their dues is required.


13.5 - Know the reports of the administrative bodies or any other matter of utmost urgency that cannot wait until the Ordinary Assembly.


13.6 - The other powers that the law or the Statutes attribute to it.


Article 14: General Assembly Meetings


The General Assemblies will meet at the Party's headquarters or in any other place expressly indicated in the respective call, and will be chaired by the President of the Executive Commission or, in his absence, by another member of the same following the hierarchy of President. , Secretary and Treasurer, and in their absence the oldest of those present.


Article 15: Drafting of minutes


The minutes of the General Assemblies will be drawn up, as soon as possible and within the calendar month following each Assembly, by the Secretary of the Assembly, who will have been previously designated at the beginning of the celebration, and will be recorded in the Corresponding Book of Minutes and signed by the President and the aforementioned Secretary.


Article 16: Representation of absent members


Members may be represented by means of a power of attorney document granted to another member before the Executive Committee. No more than five members may be represented at a time. The granting member must communicate to the President of the Party the granting of the power and the name of the representative. The proxy member must register the power of attorney with the Executive Commission before the time indicated for the start of the Ordinary or Extraordinary General Assembly.


Article 17: The Executive Commission


The Executive Commission will be elected by the General Assembly. The election of the Executive Commission will be done through free and secret suffrage, by simple majority.


The Executive Commission will be composed of at least a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The positions will be elected every two (2) years and will serve for two (2) years, and may be re-elected consecutively. All members will take office immediately upon appointment. The number of members of the Executive Committee may be expanded or reduced at any General Assembly. In order for such a change to be made, it must be ratified by a simple majority of the General Assembly, as well as a simple majority of the Executive Commission.


Temporary absences of the components will be made up for by the same Executive Committee. In case of permanent absences, the same procedure will be followed while the respective Extraordinary General Assembly is called, to cover the vacancy for the rest of the period. The Executive Commission may include any person whose membership has been previously approved and meets all the requirements required by Law to be a candidate in the elections.


The Executive Commission can be changed by the General Assembly before two years. For this, it is required that the absolute majority of members support the revocation of the Executive Commission, and the election of the members of the new one.


Ordinarily, the Executive Committee will meet four (4) times a year, with prior notice of fifteen (15) calendar days, in formal sessions. The Secretary will convene the session electronically. All members will confirm receipt of call messages and their expected availability within 48 hours following the call messages. Once a quorum is guaranteed, the session will be held as planned.


The Executive Committee may meet more times, as necessary or convenient (work meetings), without a minimum call period.


The minimum period for calling sessions will be fifteen (15) calendar days. The duration will be between one (1) and four (4) hours but, exceptionally, a session could last more or less time, if decided by a simple majority during the session. A quorum will be considered if those present or represented add up to half of the members plus one. Normally, the Secretary will be in charge of preparing and sending the Agenda, but exceptionally the President may do so (due to the Secretary's indisposition), or any other member of the Executive Commission that the President designates for such work. The number of members required to propose points to be included in the Agenda is one (1). The deliberation rules are as follows:




The maximum presentation time will be 5 minutes for each member, but a simple majority can give more presentation time to whoever requests it.

There may be a maximum period of 30 minutes of deliberation for each point, and a vote if agreement is not reached.

The majority required for the adoption of agreements will be a simple majority of those present, whether they are full members or delegates.


Article 18: Powers of the Executive Commission


18.1 - The responsibility of the Executive Committee is collegial, which does not exempt its members from responsibility in the performance of their functions. The Executive Committee will meet four (4) times a year, upon convocation by its President. A simple majority of its members is stipulated for the adoption of its decisions. The powers or attributions of the Executive Commission are specified in the following: exercise the political and economic direction of the Party between the celebration of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Assemblies, with execution of the guidelines established therein.


18.2 - The deliberations of the Executive Committee are reserved. Any individual votes on the decisions taken will be recorded in the Minutes of each meeting.


Article 19: Obligations of Party officials


19.1 - The President holds the official representation of the Party, presides and moderates the meetings of the Executive Commission and any official events organized, and authorizes with his signature all political, organic and administrative documents. In relation to these documents, a joint signature with the Treasurer will be required, either to open or close bank accounts, request credit or make payments greater than 3,000 euros. The President coordinates the policy and strategy of the Party, is the qualified spokesperson of the Executive Commission, represents the Party, and coordinates the work of the Executive Commission.


19.2 - The other positions of the Executive Commission assume the functions specified in the Internal Regime Regulations and are responsible for these before the General Assembly.


19.3 - The members of the Executive Committee must develop preferential dedication to its tasks.


19.4 - The Executive Commission will monitor Party memberships, edit and distribute the corresponding cards and stamps for the entire Party, and will terminate members who are sanctioned for the reasons stipulated for each case.


19.5 - The Executive Commission may appoint Advisors, who will act on its behalf in those functions that it entrusts to them, under the dependence of the President. The Advisors may be called by the Executive Committee to report at its meetings on matters within their jurisdiction.


19.6 - The Treasurer will annually send the accounts to the Court of Auditors within the legally established period.


19.7 - Be subject to democratic control, and therefore:


a) Carry out their political action in accordance with the principles and purposes of the party.


b) Account for the management carried out, which could be censored or approved by agreement of the members or party officials.


c) Submit to the questions asked.


d) Respond to requests for information about their financial situation or economic activities in which they are related.




Article 20: Economic resources of the Party


The Party may acquire, manage and dispose of the assets and rights that are necessary for the fulfillment of its purposes in accordance with the regulations in force. The economic resources of the Party are made up of:


1 - The fees and contributions of its members.


2 - The income from your own assets.


3 - The credits that are agreed upon.


4 - Inheritances, legacies or donations received.


5 - Any other income received in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 8/2007, of July 4, on financing of political parties.


Article 21: Patrimony of the Party


A) Founding assets of the Party: the Party lacks founding assets.


B) Accountability procedure. Administration, inspection and control.


The administration, supervision and control of its economic and property regime will be carried out in accordance with the following rules:


1 - The budget will be prepared by the Executive Commission.


2 - The duration of each budget will be one year.


3 - The budget will be approved by the Ordinary General Assembly of members.


4 - Both income and expenses must be available to members who require it. At each Ordinary General Assembly, the annual balance sheet will be recorded, along with all the accounting documentation for all the acts and documents from which rights and obligations of economic content are derived, in accordance with the Statutes.


5 - Responsibility for Administration, Supervision and Economic Control will correspond to the Treasurer, who will report in the first instance to the Executive Committee after presentation of the balance sheets to the ordinary General Assembly.


Article 22: Documentary regime. Accounting obligations.


In addition to the Membership File, the Party will keep a Book of Minutes and Accounting Books.




Article 23: Dissolution of the Party


The Party will be dissolved or extinguished:


1 - By agreement of the Extraordinary General Assembly that is legally convened for this purpose. Said Extraordinary General Assembly will require the presence of at least half plus one of the members.


2 - Because it becomes impossible to achieve the purposes for which it was established.


3 - By judicial resolution.


Article 24: Appointment of liquidators of the Party


Once the dissolution of the Party has been decreed, the Extraordinary Assembly of members will appoint one to three liquidators, who, to liquidate the Party, will enjoy the broadest powers, but subject to the agreements established in the corresponding Extraordinary Assembly.


Article 25: Liquidation of the Party


The liquidator, or liquidators as the case may be, must first cover the financial debts incurred and if there is any remainder, it will be applied to an academic institution, dedicated to the development of democratic culture. Under no circumstances may members receive part of the Party's assets. This article is considered irrevocable.



























Declaration of Principles


© 2024 Alianza Futurista. All rights reserved.